social media, TikTok

How can businesses succeed on TikTok?

TikTok is described as the preferred social media platform for young people, and for good reason! TikTok is the platform that is growing the fastest among new users.

Let's look at some numbers for this popular platform:

Daily usage in Norway is currently at 14%

About 900,000 people in Norway have a registered profile

50% of users are in the 18-29 age group

22% men and 21% women

Source: Ipsos SoMe tracker Q4'21

How to use TikTok in business?

It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that one should do the same as on other platforms. As a rule, it does not pay off. The reason for that is as simple as that people actually use the different platforms in different ways. An example would be that a user uses Instagram to share moments from his own life, draws inspiration and occasionally shops, while Facebook is used only to remember birthdays, Snapchat to send short messages and photos to friends, while TikTok is used solely for entertainment.

We believe that TikTok is most effective at building brand awareness, i.e. branding. One reason why pure selling should be avoided on TikTok is simply the legal side of the issue; there are strict rules around marketing that is aimed at children. And on TikTok there are many users who are under 18. This may involve direct purchase solicitations, solicitations, and contests. In addition, we have this entertainment factor, which means that the channel should be used more for inspiration than direct sales.

Tips for Using TikTok for Your Business

We have collected some tips for what you should consider if you choose to use TikTok as a platform for your business:

1. Experiment freely

Many people are afraid of appearing as frivolous or unprofessional actors if they joke around a bit on TikTok. This is not something one should worry about. Here we remind you to use the different platforms in different ways. If you want to write a formal article and appear “corporate,” LinkedIn might be a better place to do it than TikTok.

TikTok allows you to show more playful sidef, no matter if you're an accounting company, clothing chain or airline. One tip is to not be so solemn — use humor and let the audience see that there are real people with unique thoughts, feelings and values working in the company.

2. Follow trends and stay up to date

TikTok is a visual platform which allows various effects such as filters, and editing techniques such as “transitions” to trend. The same goes for songs, so here it's a matter of figuring out what's popular right now and including it in your content.

3. “Don't Make Ads, Make TikToks”

Organic content does better on TikTok than paid content. That does not mean that advertising is strictly prohibited. Based on the developments we've seen in social media where ads have infiltrated organic content to an increasing extent (just look at Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat where advertising is absolutely commonplace nowadays). One advantage of advertising on TikTok is that there are not many Norwegian companies that do it, which makes it cheaper to advertise because you are one of the few who reach many.

4. Get out early and set goals

To stand out, you should develop a distinctive tone of voice and graphic representation that characterizes your company or There are still few Norwegian companies that have established themselves on TikTok, so here is a golden opportunity to be early! As with any other work effort and presence on social channels, it will be necessary to set goals. Start by asking yourself why your company should be on TikTok. It could be reaching a new target audience, working on branding or forging stronger ties with customers.

Wondering if TikTok is for your business? We are happy to help you get started!

Get in touch here.

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