1. Introduction

Your trust is important to us. We will therefore explain why we collect information about you and how the data is processed with regard to your privacy.

Oslo Digital and our services are operated and owned by Oslo Digital AS org no. 923 947 264, Fredensborgveien 22 F, 0177 Oslo.

2. About personal data and regulations

Personal data is information that can be linked to an identifiable individual. This can be your name, address, phone number, email address and IP address.

All processing of personal data, such as collection, registration, storage and disclosure is subject to special rules, including in the Personal Data Act. Oslo Digital is responsible for ensuring that the processing takes place in accordance with the rules of the law. The Danish Data Protection Authority oversees compliance with the law.

3. Sharing information

In principle, we do not share personal data with other companies, except to business partners who need the information in order to provide services to us. If we disclose personal data, we enter into agreements with the relevant third parties that limit their ability to use the information.

We will also be able to disclose information in individual cases required by law, for example to public authorities if there is a suspicion of an offence.

4th. Management of personal data

You yourself can influence what personal data we will hold about you and how we will use it. You can do this by contacting us, see the point contact us for more information.

If you notice errors in the information we hold about you, you can change this yourself in your settings or by contacting us so that we can correct this.

5. Especially about marketing in email and SMS

By signing up for our newsletter, we will use your email address to send you newsletters, and may also be used by us on Facebook, Google and other platforms to show you personalized digital ads. The email will never be released or used for anything other than these purposes.

If you choose to opt out of the newsletter, your email address and other related information will be removed.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We will be able to update or change the Privacy Policy from time to time. In the event of major changes, we will inform you about this.

7. Contact information

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or about our use of personal data, please contact us at

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