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How to Succeed on Social Media?

It is no news that companies should promote their products and services  on social media. Firstly, it is very cost-effective compared to traditional marketing. Plus you can tailor both message and target audience with just a few keystrokes.

First of all, it is important to note that social media is a large and broad field of study that is changing rapidly. It is therefore necessary to keep regularly updated on trends concerning the use of the various channels and the preferences of the algorithms.

We've gathered some tips to get started properly, or improve your existing social media presence.

Why you should be on social media?

First, you need to think about why you should be present on social media.

We divide into two main reasons:

  1. To strengthen the brand (branding)
  2. To generate sales
  • Brand Awareness is strengthen by being visible and creating trust with the customer. This is achieved by appearing accessible to the customer, taking the customer seriously, communicating with the customer, being personal and genuine.
  • Generate sales The bottom line is that the customer trusts you and your product, expertise and that you keep the customer promise. When the customer is engaged and has a high degree of trust in the brand, it becomes easier to “persuade” the customer to buy.

Moreover, social media improves SEO and draws traffic to the website, and on social media you hit customers where they are.

Channel selection

It's a good idea to check which channels you're on today and make sure they're up to date. Possibly shut down or restart if some have not been used for a long time. Focus on the most important channels for you rather than being present at all of them. Imagine that you are going to master one channel at a time. After that, you can move on to the next.

We recommend focusing on a maximum of two channels and incorporating good routines here before including other channels in an extended strategy.


Find out who you want now on social media.

Then you may want to ask questions such as:

  • What does the customer want?
  • Why should they follow us?
  • How do we engage customers?
  • How do we communicate with our customers?

Publication plan

Whether you choose to create a yearly plan, monthly plan or weekly plan — or all — a plan is better than no plan!

  • A tip is to create a document in Word or Excel in which you design a publication schedule with an overview of the month, week, day, channel, content, reach, statistics of advertising, etc.
  • Update regularly (at least weekly)
  • Follow an annual wheel with all holidays and special days (Christmas, Easter, Black Friday)


To stand out, you should develop a distinctive tone of voice and graphic representation that characterizes your company or brand in all channels and distinguishes it from the competition (red thread)

Some basic tips:

  • Images in good quality and in the right format
  • Vary type of content
  • Engage users through storytelling, contests, surveys, and the like.
  • Have one clear Call to Action (CTA); link, comment, video, share. Here it's okay to think “either-or”, so you don't ask for too much on the same post.

These are some of the most basic things to think about.

Remember that working purposefully and strategically with social media is time consuming and there is no magic formula or shortcut that makes one succeed??????????

To help you focus on your core business, we offer the following services:

✳️ Content production such as video, photo and text.

✳️ You don't have to think about advertising, we take care of that!

✳️ We continuously analyze and report on a monthly basis — or at your convenience!

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