
Customer: Lumier

Themes: Business Strategy & Concept Development

Background: Lumier is an electrical wholesaler with its own brands, run by people who are passionate about electromaterials and lighting. Founder and owner Per Norman Nielsen is behind several well-known brand names in Norway, such as Elektroimporøren. When he founded Lumier he wanted to focus on the right brands at low prices with the slogan “Everyday home with light and warmth”.

Description: Lumier came to us at Oslo Digital because they wanted to renew their business strategy and address the end customer directly. There is a growing trend to sell D2C (direct-2-consumer). More and more companies see the value in owning customer data themselves and communicating directly with their own customers.

When selling to both B2B and B2C customers, it is important to consider that they may have different needs. Lumier therefore wanted a new brand, visual identity and SoMe strategy.

Delivery: Initially, Oslo Digital conducted a competitor analysis, SEO analysis and assembled a focus group. This was used as a basis for further work.

Furthermore, Oslo Digital led a creative collaboration where we conducted a number of different workshops, together with Lumier. Where we went through respectively:

  • Today's market and competitors
  • Personas and Audiences
  • Social media strategy
  • Visual identity

On the basis of all the good work that emerged through the workshops, we came up with the name Lumier. The name comes from Lumiere, which means light, and fell into good soil both internally and externally. Thus, we were able to work further on the creative process that resulted in:

  • New visual identity and brand guidelines
  • New logo, including animation
  • New social media strategy, including personas and audiences
  • Social Media Templates and Tone-of-Voice
  • Image Bank

We have used the rounding in the “i” as a light bulb that illuminates the rest of the logo font. We have taken this concept completely into the animation, where the light bulb is turned on.

Oslo Digital is a flexible group that goes to great lengths to meet the wishes and needs of its customers. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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