Mill International

Customer: Mill International

Project start: 2021

Themes: Livestreaming

Background: Mill is a Norwegian company that designs smart heating and indoor climate products with leading technology. They are keen to elevate heaters from a necessary evil, to a stylish decor item people want to show off. At the same time, they are very socially conscious, and sustainability is important to them.

Description: Mill came to us to create a livestream of a presentation with a subsequent Q&A, to showcase its products for partners around the world. In other words, a livestream with multi-way communication, where you can easily see both the person presenting and the presentation they are showing from their own PC.

Delivery: We came to the conclusion that the best way to solve the mission was by using Zoom to solve the challenge of long-distance communication, and with our knowledge within the OBS livestreaming program, it turned out to be a narrow issue to get it done. The live stream was broadcast from our own studio, and we provided all the necessary technology and directed the broadcast.

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