We Make It Happen

Customer: We Make It Happen

Project start: 2022

Themes: Livestreaming

Background: We Make It Happen (WMH) is a French project with expertise in Spatial design, event coordination, public relations and more. They emphasize commitment and ingenuity to encourage concrete and positive actions between brands and their customers.

Description: WMH contacted us in connection with an upcoming bartending competition for Rémy Martin. As the 10 finalists resided in different countries, and this was to take place in the middle of the COVID pandemic, the production chose to run the livestream from the different countries at the same time. We represented the Italian cocktail master Carmine Di Marino who works at the Svanen cocktail bar in Oslo.

Delivery: On the day itself, Oslo Digital lined up with all the equipment needed to conduct a live stream, including camera, lights, sound and necessary software. We took care of the direction and all the technical stuff, and with good help from the Svanen cocktail bar we were able to unwind a stream without any problems.

Oslo Digital is a flexible group that goes to great lengths to meet the wishes and needs of its customers. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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