In today's marketing, there is an ever-increasing focus on personalization and segmentation. In a market where customers are peppered with different messages, personalization is a useful step to get your message across. Often terms such as “the right message, to the right person, at the right time” are used.

Customer Data and Consent

When starting or developing your personalization strategy, it is important to have a good foundation. Therefore, the work starts with ensuring a good basis where one manages to identify customers and there is a common identifier in all channels.

Furthermore, you need customers the company can communicate with. Therefore, consent is needed, both in terms of cookies and other communications, based on where your company wants to personalize the communication.

There are many Norwegian and international rules on how to handle customer data and consents, so here it is a matter of keeping your tongue straight in your mouth and making a good plan.

What is segmentation?

Segmentation is often the first step on the path to personalization. It is often referred to as less targeted but still superior to unsegmented mass communication. Examples of this may include providing information to customers about:

1. Store opening because one lives nearby
2. Makeup for women
3. Laptop for students

What is personalization?

Personalization is based on the individual, the goal of which is a tailored user experience. Here, one uses the preferences or actions of the individual to sharpen communication. Examples include providing information to the customer about:

1. A product the customer has printed
2. Accessories for a product the customer has purchased
3. Using the name of the customer in communication

How to work with segmentation & personalization?

When starting or developing your personalization strategy, it is important to have a good foundation. Therefore, work begins on securing a good foundation where one k

At Oslo Digital, we have extensive experience in both creating and further developing personalisation strategies. We work according to three principles:

1. Analysis & insights
2. Communication
3. Technology & Surfaces

We know that every starting point is different and that it is important to take one step at a time. Personalization and segmentation require more work and a lot of testing, but all experience suggests that it is worth the investment.

Our partner Dynamic Yield

In our work on personalization, we have partnered with Dynamic Yield, which offers solutions for personalization in online store circles. Among other things, they use machine learning and algorithms to provide personalization, recommendations and automatic optimizations. Together we provide services in the field of digital user experience to our customers.

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