
Text authoring, or in English “copywriting”, is about telling good stories that engage the reader.

Content production is about more than video and image. It is said that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, but why don't all books consist of only pictures?

Content leads to sales

A well-written and thought-provoking text is key to capturing the customer's attention, which helps guide the person through the well-known funnel that ultimately ends in conversion, such as a purchase of a product or service.

Content Marketing

Entertaining, engaging, exciting, groundbreaking. All of these words are key words to successful content production. It's no longer just about shoving sales, offers and promotions up in people's faces. Today, customers expect more. If you succeed in entertaining the customer, the path to conversion will automatically be shorter.

Content marketing, in Norwegian “content marketing”, is about potential customers a value that arouses interest in further interaction with your company and the products/services you have to offer.

Traffic to the website

Good and thoughtful content can be seen as a bait to draw people to your website. If you get potential customers on the hook, it will lead to more leads, which in turn can lead to increased conversions.

The beauty of content production is that you can choose the themes for what you are going to publish yourself. Just don't fall into the trap of spending time on content that is irrelevant to your target audience.

This is where SEO (search engine optimization) comes into play. It doesn't help with engaging content if the target audience can't find it. The content must be searchable on Google, and the more relevant the content, the better visibility.


There is a reason why people who work in text authoring are called “copywriters”. Writers are people in whom we trust. Writers are people who know what they are writing about and who know the subject well. It's an art to being a good copywriter.

Trust is one of the pillars of the marketing tool “branding”. Branding is about adding a symbolic value to a product or service. This value determines the willingness of consumers to pay when purchasing a product or service in a market with very many similar providers.

A well-written text that answers customers' questions will help build trust, which, in turn, will anchor itself in the branding.

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