Realità virtuale

VR is short for virtual reality which colloquially becomes “virtual reality”. The uniqueness of VR is that one is surrounded by a virtual world, without any interference of real elements. We are proud to be early adopters of VR in our projects. VR enables customers to truly immerse themselves in and test the products or services that your company offers. A homebuyer will feel more confident in his decision if he or she is given the opportunity to go on a virtual viewing in a home that has not yet been built.

Augmented Reality

AR is an abbreviation for augmented reality which in Norwegian is “augmented reality”, and it is already being used more than you think. You may have used a Snapchat filter that places virtual characters in your living room, or captured digital creatures on your mobile in Pokemon Go? Or imagine that you are sitting at home and can see just how the new dining table you are about to order is going to fit with your chairs. These are good examples of AR, which involves placing a layer of digital elements over the real world. It is being used increasingly in e-commerce, healthcare, logistics, sports, marketing and much more.

Mixed Reality

MRI is about blending together the virtual and the real world, allowing the user to interact with both real and digital elements in real time. With a headset or glasses on your head, you are not limited to a small screen like with AR, but unlike VR, you can walk around in your actual surroundings. What can this be used for? Imagine a surgeon who can practice operating on a digital patient lying on a real operating table, while holding the real equipment in their hands. It is only the imagination that sets the limits!

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