Live shopping, seminars, StreamFinity

StreamFinity - Norway's new Liveshopping platform

On a cold autumn evening, Oslo Digital gathered a group of great people in the warmth of Nowhere to introduce StreamFinity, Norway's new Liveshopping platform.

Today's consumers are demanding more than ever before. Trading is no longer just about transactions; it should be seamless, engaging, and entertaining Previous examples are click and fetch, or self-service stores. Recently, we are seeing the use of VR and AR, and the popular trend of Liveshopping.

What is Liveshopping?

Liveshopping offers businesses a unique way to interact with their customers by showcasing and explaining their products in a more personal manner than traditional online shopping. In addition, it is interactive so that customers can ask questions, react to things being said and communicate with the company. This creates a win-win situation that generates significant sales and strengthens customer relationships.

Figures from other Western countries show that as many as 69% want to receive product information via video and that they are twice as likely to share a video with friends, compared to other media.(Wyzowl). In addition, stores report up to 30% conversion and 150% increase in sales from Liveshopping (McKinsey). Now, of course, the starting point will be substantial, and the results will vary. But overall we're seeing good results. Especially for companies that focus on effective marketing, execution and and leveraging various channels and platforms.

Why StreamFinity?

Liveshopping is extremely popular worldwide, and although we are lagging a bit behind, the Norwegian market is showing increasing nterest.

StreamFinity is Norway's first Liveshopping platform, offering businesses, customers, and potential influencers everything they need. If desired, we can also assist with strategy and production.

Are you interested in hearing more about Liveshopping and StreamFinity and how it f can benefit your business? Contact us – we would be happy to discuss it over a cup of coffee.

Thanks to everyone who attended for great conversations and a very enjoyable evening.

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