Media Habits, Meta, Metaverse, Metaverse, Spatial

Want to visit us in Metaverse?

A year ago, Facebook changed its name to Meta and Mark Zuckerberg launched his vision of the Metaverse; the internet of the future. The media abounds these days with negative statements, triggered by Meta's red numbers and missing users — but does that mean the hook on the door for Metavers in general or is it just Meta's version that disappoints?

Understanding Metaverse

We must remember that the Metaverse is a vision of the future, and its exact form and function remain to be seen. The Metaverse isn't a specific technology or platform but rather a way we will interact with technology in the future. It can include Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), but it isn't limited to these. The term Extended Reality (XR) is often used, which combines AR and VR with actual reality.

What we are experiencing today is not the final result, but a foretaste. Many people are skeptical about this early phase, much like how the internet was once predicted to be a "fad."

What to expect?

The fact is that no one knows exactly how the Metavers will work. There are some examples today, including Fortnite, where users have their own avatars that interact with each other. In Fortnite, you can also go to concerts together or get to know new people. Precisely for this reason, Fortnite is often used as an example without it being the final result.  

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are expected to play a central role. In the future, one might buy a physical pair of Converse shoes and also receive a digital version for their avatar. While some may find this concept puzzling, others believe that avatars will become significant status symbols, possibly more important than physical ones.

What many people agree on is that interoperability needs to be made between the platforms and that we need a single digital identity or avatar that can be used across them. Only then will we begin to approach the vision of the future and new values will be created digitally.

It is predicted that this technology will affect us to a greater extent than the internet has affected us in the last 20 years. Naturally, new challenges will arise in the areas of privacy, data security and other legal food. And it will force us to adopt new technologies and form new habits. Either way, the concept of metaverse will evolve further, and the current definition of metaverse is guaranteed to be outdated in five or ten years.

While we wait

So while we wait for Meta, Microsoft and other companies to develop Metavers we are experimenting with the technology and have even built the office of Oslo Digital in Spatial Come and visit us virtually! :)

In our office you can see some of the projects we have worked on, ranging from the production of Sunwinds new websites, profiling Daidda to film production for, among other things Bartekampen and The Toro.

With Sketchfab now integrated with Spatial, you can even see virtual versions of our office dogs lying dormant in a corner. While we can't interact with them yet, it's exciting to see the technology evolve!

Feel free to let us know if you'd like to chat!
We are happy to talk about how to build your company's visibility in the Metaverse.

Contact Us:Visit Oslo Digital to learn more about our digital marketing services and how we can help your business thrive in the digital age.

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