
Customer: US Benchmark

Project start: 2021

Themes: Video Production

Background: Benchmark is an inbound marketing agency that needed expertise and resources in video production.

Description: Oslo Digital was contacted by the general manager of Benchmark, David Steinmann, to produce testimonials, which are simply explained as video reviews. These were to be used to share positive customer experiences, which in turn can build trust and attract new customers.

Delivery: Oslo Digital produced three testimonial videos for Bavaria, Viken Fiber and NG Dialogue. In the project, we used filming with multi-camera production and drone. Oslo Digital is a certified drone pilot. Afterwards, we cut and edited the videos, including with color corrections.

Oslo Digital consists of a complex and flexible team that goes to great lengths to meet customers' wishes. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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