c) optics

Customer: c) optics

Background: c) optics is Norway's largest association of privately owned optician shops since 2002. With their core values, expertise, freedom of choice and consideration, the idea was to start an association of opticians that allowed the local optician the freedom to be a local optician with personal service. Today, c) Optics has more than 170 stores nationwide, with each store being locally owned

Description: Oslo Digital was the first choice as design partner, platform provider and digital visibility advisor for coptikk.no. c) Optics wanted to renew its website and simplify the work of publishing for both head office and opticians. We had a clear goal to increase visibility and lead customers to the right optician with the right services.

Delivery: Oslo Digital delivered a new design that matched c) Optics's brand and expression. Together with the customer, we mapped various customer journeys, where we then designed both the information structure and new websites. Oslo Digital was also responsible for the technical development with Lithium as the platform.

c)optikk desktop

Oslo Digital consists of a complex and flexible team that goes to great lengths to meet customers' wishes. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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