The Green Deal

«Lysande engagemang och leverans, vi är väldigt nöjda! Oslo digital har en tydlig ”can do” attityd vilket gör er fantastiska att jobba med. Tack för ett härligt samarbete!”

Customer: The Green Deal

Project start: 2020

Background: Oslo Digital was approached by the basics of The Green Deal, and joined on a journey as a partner to assist with development, design and branding.

Customer Needs: The customer needed everything from conceptualization to strategic choice of platform and partners. Further development of has a desire and an innovation platform in return management from the e-commerce industry.

Delivery: Brand strategy, digital strategy, development, personalization, consulting, marketing, SEO, photo and video production. The beta version of was launched in late 2021 and we are continuously working to improve it as well as develop an upcoming app version.

Description: Oslo Digital has been involved from the beginning and developed branding and the concept that today is called The Green Deal. We have also developed a state of the art e-commerce platform with full headless architecture with CommerceTool. Together with the customer, we chose to integrate Dynamic Yield as a personalization tool. This is one of the most powerful personalization engines for e-commerce and leads the way in Gartner's Matrix of CX applications.

Furthermore, we have created many different interfaces for the different target groups such as portals for customers (the store solution) and return registration. In addition, we have developed a portal for B2B partners where all stores can get an overview of their returns that are on the way or that are posted on The Green Deal, including sales reports.

We have assisted with workshops and consulting in marketing and advertising, as well as prepared keyword analyses (SEO) and analyzed user behavior with tools such as Hotjar and SEMrush. Oslo Digital has also produced content for The Green Deal in the form of photo and video material for use on the website and in marketing.

Oslo Digital consists of a complex and flexible team that goes to great lengths to meet customers' wishes. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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